Thursday, March 6, 2008

Signs You May Be At a Clinic That Reuses Medical Supplies

1. Patients are informed before their appointment that the need to "bring their own betadine."

2. While other health care providers are switching to computerized medical records, this clinic is trying out the whole "no records" thing.

3. Any box that once had now has

4. The insulin about to be injected is a deep shade of red.

5. You notice from his diploma that your "doctor" actually only has a Ph. D in economics.

6. Patients requiring surgery must bring someone with the same blood type for on site transfusions.

7. Bills can be paid in 10 easy payments of 11.99

8. Upon entering, patients take a number from a deli-style machine.

9. Before the doctor will see you, patients are fill out a questionaire asking, "What did WebMD say you have?"

10. Hand sanitizer is coin operated.

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