Sunday, March 16, 2008

Very Old Posts--Take Three.

Here's the only post I ever wrote about medicine until I started this blog, it's funny how I have to learn this lesson over an over again.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Someone said something that I really should take to heart the other day. At the meeting for pre-med students, I asked what sacrifices the three-doctor panel had to make in med school as well as during their residency, and one of the doctors said something really thoughtful. She said to enjoy the stage of your life you're in. That seemed so true to me because we, as humans, spend so much time wanting to be older when we're young and wanting to be younger when we're old. Not only that, but often times we fall into the trap of thinking that the next stage in life is going to somehow be easier. If I can just get through college then I can start living life and it'll be so much easier... But in reality life really doesn't get any easier. So why not make the most of the life that you're living right now, no matter how bad it may seem.

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